My Skin Care Routine
I am often asked about my skin care routine. For me, I have to keep things simple. I need a quick, effective regime to keep me looking young and fresh. Let's face it, the stress of these past months has taken its toll on us in more ways than we can count. I can't erase my gray hair but at least I can have great skin to help me feel better about myself.
Blessed by good genetics and staying out of the sun, I had been getting by with using a mild cleanser (typically Cetaphil) and in the winter adding a moisturizer (typically Neutrogena). But after the "glow of pregnancy" was over, I noticed my skin looked dull and dry, fine lines and dark circles started to appear. Whether it be hormones, stress, lack of sleep, poor diet or all of the above, I needed to make a change. I sought to find a routine that was simple, budget friendly and effective. I tried many different product lines only to become disappointed and frustrated. So I set out to develop a product line that was all of those things I was seeking and more. I wanted to combine plant-based materials with highly active medical grade ingredients to give potent anti-aging results while remaining gently enough for sensitive skin (and still maintaining affordability).
In the morning,
Step 1: Cleanser. Vitality Skin Cleanser. I like the silky feel of this product and it works into a nice lather. It is gentle enough in the morning but strong enough in the evening to remove make-up and oils. (I still would use a make-up remover for eyes). The lather gives me a feeling of deeper cleansing but doesn't leave my skin feeling tight (tight skin used to be my indicator of a "good" cleanser but over the years researching products and ingredient combinations, I have learned a sense of tightness means my skin was stripped too much of its natural oils).
Step 2: Vitamin C. Vita-C Cream. I have to admit, until I started researching for my product line, I used to think topical vitamin C was a hoax to get me to spend more money. I am now a believer in Vitamin C! This is a must for all skin care regimes at any age. There is a great deal of reputable research supporting the use of topical vitamin C. It has skin brightening and anti-oxidant properties as well as collagen stimulator. When I first started using it, I didn't tell anyone and people began commenting on how "refreshed" I looked or how my skin appeared "brighter". I also have some sun spots that I am trying to lighten up and the darker circles under my eyes are less noticeable.
Step 3: Sunblock. HydroDefense SPF 40. This now has become the most important step for me. I never used to wear sunscreen on a daily basis because my skin always felt so heavy afterward and then I would add my make-up and it felt like I was clogging every pore. I also didn't think it necessary because my foundation had SPF in it (which I have now come to learn is inadequate protection). This product has been a lifesaver. It's unique formulation also contains hyaluronic acid so you can use this to replace your morning moisturizer. Plus, its lightweight texture provides great UVA and UVB protection without feeling heavy or leaving a white residue on your face.
For the evening:
Step 1: Cleanser. Vitality Skin Cleanser.
Step 2: Anti-Aging. Tretinol 0.5% Anti-Aging Serum or Collagen Activating Factor. I will alternate between these two. Tretinol is is a unique, powerful blend of a retinol and tretinoin to stimulate cellular regeneration and reduce fine lines. It can leave my skin a little dry which is a normal side effect due to its rapid exfoliating properties. Collagen Activating Factor is a serum that stimulates collagen helps to smooth my lines.
Step 3: Moisturizer. Replenish Daily Moisturizer. It adds moisture to my skin without feeling heavy. In the winter time or when my skin is feeling dryer than usual, I may add either HA Ultra Collagen or HA Hydrating Serum.
Step 4: Eye Cream. Tripeptide Eye Cream. I like its creamy feel without feeling heavy. It leaves a "tingling" feeling which makes my skin feel good. I notice the fine lines around my eyes look smoother. I admit, I should be more consistent with this.
My takeaway points are this:
Excellent products don't have to cost a small fortune.
No matter what skin care line you choose, skin care products are only as good as you allow them to be. You must use them correctly and consistently. You should also avoid using products from multiple brands at one time.
Our skin is a reflection of our inner wellness. If you are not eating right, drinking a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day or getting appropriate rest, it will show in your skin and even the best of products won't be able to camouflage it.
Sun protection is key! You must do your part to help delay the signs of aging.