

Let DiamondGlow™ unlock your skin’s potential and reveal your radiance

DiamondGlow™ is a next-level skin resurfacing treatment that goes beyond the skin’s surface to deliver powerful results.



First, the signature wand begins the transformation with its’ customizable levels of resurfacing. As a result, the top layers of the epidermis are gently and effectively removed. Thereby, new healthy cell growth is stimulated, enhancing rejuvenation and removing dry, dull skin.



Next, high-powered suction deeply cleanses the skin’s surface and pores. Unlike traditional wet facial treatments, which only skim the surface, DiamondGlow™ technology allows for deep cleansing, removing dirt and debris trapped beneath the skin and within the pores.



In addition to resurfacing and deep cleansing, the wand creates a vortex within the tip to allow for infusion of professional-grade serums to deeply penetrate into the skin. Thus, leaving you with healthy, vibrant looking skin.



  • Treatment frequency will be determined by your aesthetic goals. This will be discussed in your consultation. In general, those who are looking to maintain a healthy glow or just need an extra boost will have treatment every 4 to 6 weeks. Those who are looking to correct pigmentation, treat breakouts or reduce fine lines may have treatments more frequently.

  • You will immediately notice your skin is brighter, hydrated and smooth. The skin may appear slightly pink to red immediately after the treatment which subsides quickly. There is no downtime and you may return to normal activities the next day.

  • The treatment is not painful and there is no downtime. You may feel a scratchy sensation initially. Your skin may appear slightly pink to red immediately after the treatment which subsides quickly. The degree of dermabrasion and amount of suction is individualized for each patient. Therefore, it is a comfortable procedure.

  • DiamondGlow™ uses a patented diamond-tipped wand for dermabrasion of the upper epidermis to gently exfoliate the skin. Hydrafacial™ uses water to remove dead skin cells from the surface. DiamondGlow™ simultaneously infuses serum-specific conditions while deeply cleansing and extracting debris from the pores.

  • While DiamondGlow™ treatments are effective on their own, using a daily skin care regimen such as our EakinMD Dermaceuticals, developed by our physician, will keep the glow going at home.


Medical Peels


RF Microneedling