
Dr. Eakin’s Blog
What Causes Age Spots?
Age spots are the result of photoaging, also called extrinsic aging. Photoaging is premature skin aging resulting from prolonged and repeated exposure to solar radiation. It is responsible for the majority of age-associated cosmetic skin problems. In addition to fine lines, wrinkles and skin dryness, photoaging can result in uneven pigmentation such as dark spots known as hyperpigmentation, or solar lentigines (more commonly known as age spots or brown spots).
“Fat Burning” Injections
“Fat burning” injections, also known as MIC injections can be an adjuvent therapy in medically supervised weight loss programs. These injections contain amino acids (typically methionine, inositol and choline, which possess a lipotropic quality helping with the breakdown of fat metabolism in the body.
Getting rid of stubborn cellulite
Nine out of ten women report being bothered by cellulite at some point in their life. And many find ridding themself of cellulite a challenge. When it comes to treating cellulite, there is no single therapy but rather a combination of therapies targeted at the different components that make up cellulite.
Electrolysis vs Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair can be a source of social angst. But now we have great options for permanent hair removal. Both electrolysis and laser hair removal are excellent options to achieve long term hair reduction. Although electrolysis has been available for many years, laser hair removal has really gained popularity in the last 5 years.
Why is there more adult acne today?
Acne is the eighth most common skin disease in the world. The onset of acne typically occurs in adolescents around the onset of puberty, when sebum production increases. Acne usually goes away in the late teens or young adulthood. But for some, acne may continue to plague them into their 20’s or 30’s.
Nefertiti Lift: The Mini Neck Lift
The Nefertiti Lift is a non-surgical treatment option to make the neck, chin and jawline smoother and more defined. Named after the famous Egyptian queen, Nefertiti who was known for her long, elegant neck and sleek jawline, this treatment is a non-surgical technique used to make the smooth the neck, reduce jowls and define the jawline.
How to prepare for laser hair removal treatment
Laser hair removal (LHR) is one of the most sought after treatments. Women and men alike seek to remove unwanted hair and LHR is a highly efficient and effective method. Plus, the technology today has made LHR safe and effective for all skin and hair types (except blonde, red or gray hairs).
Botox vs Fillers
Botox and fillers are the most sought after anti-wrinkle treatment. More and more people are turning to these non-invasive procedures to reach their aesthetic goals. In 2019, over 7 million botox procedures were done and over 2 million filler injections…
15 Skincare Tips for the Best Skin of Your Life
Achieving flawless skin is possible with a few simple rules. We all dream of flawless, glowing skin, but with new products constantly hitting the shelves and the seemingly endless skincare advice out there on the Internet, it's not always easy to figure out the skincare routine that's going to work best for you.
How to Re-Create Spa Water
There’s just something about spa water that makes it taste much cleaner, fresher and healthier than any other type of flavored water. But don’t despair. You can recreate spa water at home easily and inexpensively.
Medical Microneedling the Right Way
Microneedling is a popular anti-aging treatment that can be very effective if done properly. There are many different devices used by practitioners – from rollers to pens. Regardless of the device, the concept is the same, small sterile needles penetrate the skin at various depths causing repeated microinjuries…
Taking care of our toes in the era of COVID
There has been an increasing incidence of ingrown toenails which I am attributing to the fact that many of us are having to perform nail maintenance ourselves while nail salons remain closed. Thus, I thought it worth addressing since prevention is the best treatment.
Tips To Boost Your Weight Loss
Even if you follow a fitness routine and you often choose healthier foods, you may not be seeing the weight come off the way you hope. While there are plenty of other healthy accomplishments to celebrate on this journey, it can be frustrating to not see results when you step on the scale. Sound familiar? Try these tips to help your achieve your weight loss goals.
Laser Hair Removal: Which Laser is the Best?
The ability to remove hair using lasers was realized over 30 years ago. Since then and the technology has advanced since its original discovery. Laser hair removal (LHR) is performed using a laser or a light device also known as intense pulsed light (IPL).
10 Common Sun Protection Mistakes
While some exposure to sunlight can be enjoyable, too much can be dangerous. Most people are not aware that skin cancer, while largely preventable, is the most common form of cancer in the United States. More than 3.5 million new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed annually. Avoid these common mistakes and enjoy your time in the sun while protecting yourself from overexposure.
5 Vitamins Critical for Skin Health
Considering adding these vitamins into your diet daily. Keep your body healthy with a great diet and a supplement of vitamins that will help your anti-aging healthy skin efforts!
Lip Flip: Add volume without fillers
Achieving fuller lips is one of the most highly sought after procedures. Using filler to add volume is common practice and can have great aesthetic results. But for those who are new to aesthetic procedures or don't want to go as far as filler but still want a little extra volume, you might consider a lip flip.
Struggling with stubborn belly fat?
Emerged from quarantine with a little extra? If you're like many us, the lack of exercise along with stress and being out of our normal routine has added a few inches. But don't worry, thanks to advancing technology, there are safe and effective non-surgical option
Are you cleansing your face correctly?
Chances are you probably are not. Check out these top 3 myths. Try these tips the next time you cleanse your face.
My Skin Care Routine
I am often asked about my skin care routine. For me, I have to keep things simple. I need a quick, effective regime to keep me looking young and fresh. Let's face it, the stress of these past months has taken its toll on us in more ways than we can count. I can't erase my gray hair but at least I can have great skin to help me feel better about myself.