

PlasmaPen™ Tightens and Smooths

The PlasmaPen™ by Louis Walsh International is the latest cutting edge technology in the aesthetic industry. Utilizing the power of plasma energy to cause skin sublimation that will instantly lift, tighten and shrink the skin.


How does PlasmaPen™ work?

PlasmaPen™ creates ionized nitrogen gas that is forced out of the tip of the probe. When held just above the skin’s surface, the nitrogen mixes with oxygen creating a beautiful ball of plasma energy.

Thus, PlasmaPen™ causes a micro-trauma to the skin without actually breaking the skin’s surface. This results in an inflammatory response within the skin. As a result, fibroblasts (precursors of collagen) rapidly begin producing collagen and elastin and release hyaluronic acid deep within the skin.


PlasmaPen™ Treatments

  • Upper and lower eyelid lift

  • Jaw augmentation

  • Neck lift

  • Lower face lift

  • Skin tag and mole removal

  • Wart removal

  • Brown and age spots

  • Nasolabial folds

  • Vertical lip lines

  • Loose skin on abdomen, above knees and arms

  • Ear lobes

  • And more


What to expect during PlasmaPen™ treatments?

First, the area will be cleansed. Then topical numbing cream will be applied. After the area is numb, the area will be cleansed again and treatment will start. Small pinpoint dots are created on top of the skin by the plasma energy. This results in immediate skin tightening. Finally, the area will be cleansed and a topical healing agent will be applied. Depending on the area, treatments can take anywhere from 30 minutes up to three hours (not including numbing time).


What to expect after PlasmaPen™ treatment?

After treatment your skin will have pinpoint dots that will have some redness and possible swelling depending on the area being treated. Typically the upper and lower eyelids have the most swelling.


Clinical Pictures




PRX Derm Perfexion