Botox® and Xeomin®


Botox® and Xeomin® can help you looked refreshed and feel more vibrant

Botox® and Xeomin® are the most sought after aesthetic procedure. Join the millions who have started their anti-aging journey and feel your best!


How do Xeomin® and Botox® smooth lines?

Botulinum toxin when injected into the muscles, stops the muscles from moving. As a result, the skin is unable to create the furrows and folds.

As we age, the skin loses its elasticity. Therefore, when our facial muscles contract, wrinkles become visible. Over time and with continued movement, these lines deepen. However, by injecting botox into specific areas of the face, we can prevent wrinkle formation and help restore a youthful appearance.



  • Treatments begin with review of your aesthetic goals. After that, the area will be cleansed and prepped. The doctor will inject XEOMIN® or BOTOX® into the desired areas after which gentle pressure is applied and the area is cleansed. Treatments take about 15 to 20 minutes. If desired, a topical numbing cream or cold pack can be applied to the area to reduce any discomfort.

  • Botox is generally used to treat the muscles of the forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes. Additionally, botox can be used to treat lines around the mouth, turn the corners of the mouth upward, smooth dimpled chins and more.

  • After care instructions are straightforward and allow you to return to normal activity in 24 hours. Therefore, our doctor will go over instructions with you before treatment. Also, you will also be given written and digital copies for your convenience.

  • Most people report maintaining there results for 3-4 months after treatment. However, the duration of results depends on the muscle area being injected and your body’s metabolism. For instance, muscles around the mouth tend to need more frequent treatments because these muscles are used more frequently. In contrast, the masseter muscle (treated for those with TMJ) usually lasts around 6 months.

  • The most common side effects are temporary and include minor pain and some swelling at the injection site. In addition, minor bleeding and bruising can occur. Other side effects although rare can occur which include muscle weakness, loss of strength, droopy eyelid or blurred vision. But, all of these are temporary.

  • Looking plastic or overdone is a common concern among individuals considering treatment with botox. This is why the initial consultation is so important. Our doctor will have a detailed discussion with you and develop a personalized treatment plan based on your aesthetic goals.

  • All injections are done by our physician who is trained in facial anatomy.


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